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Saturday, May 31, 2008

long time never post le
busy working okay then come home le then
watch some show to kill bored
chat with jean sometimes cause she also very sian
ha ha later she read le she will kill me ar LOL
nothing much this few days cause only work and watch show ONLY
and the work is like nothing to do also make me even bored
but its quite good lor do nothing much but still get paid HAHA

i dream of you again i didn't want to but i did not know why
zzzzzzzz tired of things that makes me unhappy hate it LOT can
so people must make me happy okay *kidding*
but i know your still will even if i never say ha ha
like jean bird bird pamela rachel pa pa and on
mostly jean la cause cause she say thing always very lame
make people so *cold* ha ha ....<3

you deserve nothing but the BeSt
melvina *neh neh pok*
jean *sweetheart*
pamela *niao niao*
rachel *dar dar*
evan *mei*
jolene *xiao mei*
yong sheng *bird bird*
vincent *papa*
leong ming *daddy*


7:56:00 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

erm quite some time never post le
cause donno what to post ,,,
busy watching show haha
Fated To Love You
ying ye 3 jia 1
its like damn nice la haha
today slack at the baseketball court
with jean shirmaine david then rudy came
played for awhile then a bit sian sian then never play le
then sit down(jean shirmaine and me)
chatting all along ourself
Girls talk haha
wrote later just not cause neh neh pok going back le
then still haven't reply her letter pamela one
also write le
donno why suddenly wanna write fate fate thingy in pamela letter
maybe watch too much Fated To Love You le haha
lame ...
then that night after watching ying ye 3 jia 1
till 2 plus had no choice but sleep cause charyl say i very noise then she
cannot sleep lie down and thing of things
then this came into my mind
God made two human being each time ,
one is you and one is your guardian angel ,
the one which will always be there for you ,
the one which is willing to bear everything for you ,
as long as you are happy .
those that will protect you in every way they could ,
if there is one beside you then treat them good ,
not everyone notice the one beside them ,
but everyone have one beside them all the time .
i wish that i could be yours ,
the one you would like to be beside you all the time .

anyway best wishes for
vincent papa
lin hui mama
bird bird
and all that i love (:


8:21:00 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

i am too broad and there is nothing to post

You Are Cherry Pie

You're the perfect combo of innocent and sexy.

At times, you seem a bit naive, simple, and innocent.

But at second glance, you are sensual, seductive, and even a little naughty.

You have people fooled - at least you'd like to think so.

Those who like you enjoy a contradiction.

Either that, or they can't really make up their minds about what they want.

And you can usually give people what they want... as long as you're in the mood.

You've been known to be quite tempestuous, and pleasing others is not high on your list of priorities.

What Kind of Pie Are You?

10:16:00 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

sad sian papa sick luhs
got fever ...
xin tou papa so big le still don't know how to take care of himself then
now is like sick....
anw wishes papa could get well soon
papa jia you

and keep your promise ok!!!
(: Loves


10:13:00 PM

today went to school for paper checking for all the exam
chinese , history , geography , maths , art and lit all pass
then English , home economics and science fail
but then it was like not that bad because i didn't study at all
haha then when i got back history and geography
i was like damn happy can case i though i sure fail le
but then i pass haha just now wanted to tell papa about this but then
he not online but never mind i left messages for him so when he online then he know
about it haha
but i also wish papa all the best in his test and exams and on
most importantly must happy and xin fu with 'ma ma '
haha then today in like fun all the way can
jean was like trying to say alot of jokes and wanted to catch people attention
to listen to her then evan was like keep on talking to jason SUDDENLY don know why ??
then shee like not happy when he was HIM playing with HER
shee i know okay before you told me in your letter
thats why i touch your face wanted you to smile okay!!
saw him today had a strange feeling then
neh neh pok say my face very red then ask cherlyn also
then she also say my face ^_^ like arr...
pai seh can my face where got red lor

melvina neh neh pok
pamela niao niao
jean sweetheart
shirmain pupor
rachel dar dar
jolene xiao jie
wei song ah tee
evan ah mei
yong sheng bird bird
vincent papa
lin hui ma ma

and to all of you


4:34:00 PM

Your Heart is Feeling Open

You have no idea where your love path leads, but you're looking forward to the journey.

For you, love as an adventure. While you may get hurt, that's the risk you have to take.

You are receptive to any love or relationship that may come your way. You can't predict love!

Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Anything... both good and bad

Your current outlook on love: Free spirited and flexible

Your love life will improve if you: Protect yourself a little. You don't have to be open to every romantic experience.

Watch out for: Treating love as a game

What Is Your Heart Feeling?

You Are Downtown

You're a funky spirit that requires freedom to live.

Your city girl persona needs adventure, diversity, and great pizza.

Are You An Uptown Girl or Downtown Girl?

You Had an Average Year

While you had some setbacks, your year also brought some good things.

All in all, things mostly evened out. That's just how life works.

Focus on what went well for you - and what you can improve.

A new year is a perfect reason to give yourself a fresh start!

How Did Your Year Rate?

Your Envy Quotient: 35%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.

You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.

A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?

Your Love Life Secrets Are

Looking back on your life, you will only have one true love.

You've been deeply wounded in the past, and you're still recovering from that hurt.

It's important to you that your lover is very attractive. You like to have someone to show off.

In fights, you are able to walk away and calm down. You are able to weather the storm.

Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go.

Your Love Life Secrets, Revealed

Your Dosha is Kapha

Calm and grounded, you are not prone to mood swings or anger.

However, once you do get angry, it takes a lot to cool you down.

You tend to think a little slower than most people, but your logic is astounding.

Overall, you very loyal and trustworthy. You're not scared of being who you really are.

With friends: You enjoy their company, but often listen more than talk

In love: You crave connection and affection. It's hard for you to be single.

To achieve more balance: Exercise vigorously (especially in the sun) and let go of attachments.

What's Your Dosha?

You Are Italian Food

Comforting yet overwhelming.

People love you, but sometimes you're just too much.

What Kind of Food Are You?

Your Inner Blood Type is Type B

You follow your own rules in life, even if you change the rules every day.

Sure, you tend to be off the wall and unpredictable, but that's what makes you lovable.

And even though you're a wild child, you have the tools to be a great success.

You are able to concentrate intently - and make the impossible possible.

You are most compatible with: B and AB

Famous Type B's: Leonardo Di Caprio and

What's Your Inner Blood Type?

You Were Nice This Year

You Were 40% Naughty, 60% Nice

Okay, so you weren't *entirely* nice this year

But Santa doesn't expect a modern girl to be perfect

You were good enough - and you'll be rewarded for it

Were You a Naughty Girl or Nice Girl this Year?

4:15:00 PM

Monday, May 12, 2008

just wanted so fun...

Your Emoticon Is Smiling

Right now, you're feeling cheerful and content - without a care in the world.

What Emoticon Best Represents You Right Now?

Aquarius - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You've got a ton of friends, so you have no problem meeting new people.

You're great at thinking up new things and activities to do with your sweetie.

You tend to let the little things slide in relationships... and focus on the bigger picture.

Your negative traits:

In relationships, it tends to be your way or the highway.

You can never open up completely to someone - you have to keep parts of yourself secret.

You're cold and reserved, which leaves your partner feeling unloved.

Your ideal partner:

Flexible, because you're not going to be the one to compromise!

Is smart and quirky with lots of weird interests... including you.

A true individualist who doesn't care what anyone thinks

Your dating style:

Stimulating. You prefer dates that explore a shared interest - like a lecture, muesum tour, or concert.

Your seduction style:

Wacky. Your wild ideas have your lover wondering what's next.

Insatiable - it takes a lot to satisfy your desires.

Varied. You're eager to try things as soon as you learn about them.

Tips for the future:

Bring a little responsibility to your relationship - like showing up for dates!

Compromise a little. It would kill you to do things your lover's way for once.

Be aware of your partner's jealousy. Even though you aren't jealous, realize your partner is sometimes.

Best color to attract mate: Sky blue

Best day for a date: Wednesday

What's Your Love Profile?

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to good manners and elegance.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is traditional. Without saying anything, both of you communicate with your hearts.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

You Are Socks!

Cozy and warm... but easily lost.

You make a good puppet.

What Crappy Christmas Gift Are You?

You Need Some Black in Your Life

Black will make you feel powerful, in control, and not bound to what other people think of you.

And with a little black, you will project a aura of mystery, rebellion, and dominance.

If you want people to respect you, you've got to get a little black in your life!

For extra punch: Combine black with orange or red

The downside of black: People won't be able to "read" you - and may perceive you as more aggressive than you actually are

The consequences of more black in your life:

You'll become a figure of intrigue and speculation

You'll be better prepared for life's unknown path

You'll rest better and free yourself of expectations

What Color Do You Need?

You Are Coke

A true original and classic, you represent the best of everything you can offer.

Just the right amount of sweet, just the right amount of energy... you're the life of the party.

Your best soda match: Mountain Dew

Stay away from:Dr Pepper

What Kind of Soda Are You?


10:44:00 PM

Saturday, May 10, 2008

i cherish you once really
with all my best i could no matter what others say about you
others bully you i wish i could help you in anyway
you sad i hope i could cheer you up make you happy and all
as long as you as happy
maybe because of that fight then few more of it again
then my fucking temper and all
that cause what we are today
what ever you do i still hope the best for you
you can hate me or whatever its okay
cause i own you , i own you does that you had given mie
you can get it back by hating mie its okay i xin gan qin yuan
so much that i didn't wanted to forget
but i don't know why i can't do it again
we can still be fren like i hope too
hope that you wish that too
maybe after sometimes things will go back to where they are suppose
to be naturally ba ?

people who read this post
don't ask me who i meant
i don wanna answer
if we are close frenz you should
know who i meant
no point saying

still wanted to love
wei song
vincent papa
yong sheng bird bird
kelly qin ai


10:54:00 PM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

today is like fun ....
i didn't know how to do my history...
but never mind
who care !!!
but anyway i was like damn happy don't know why ??
maybe because of HIM ...
today first time saw his face like that one very funny also very cute !!!
then was like happy all the way ...
then after school we went to find ah tee waiting for him under his block
cause very long never see him then miss him ma
then also because i wanna play basketball ...
then wait very long he still never come then saw wei lun then follow him lor then
ah tee with him lor lame ...
went to play basketball awhile then went back home
then my father mother at there talk shit
make mie very angry but then later go tuition then okay le cause its like damn
funny the whole tuition la that jean at then crack jokes and
then stil got one guy there also very funny then make fun of shee shee with that
"BF" of her jean also have haha
i dream of you again after some times i did it again ...

loves to :
shee shee pamela
papa vincent
bird bird yong sheng
wei song
jia lin

i remember you....


8:38:00 PM

Friday, May 2, 2008

haha finally the com can use le
and then today got go school lovees how i wish everyday got school no hoildays
erms sorry to does who love holidays but i just hate it can !!!
then after school go slack with niao niao only awhile only la
the caome back home is like damn sian de lor
then just now jie jie got back home with her baby its like so cute can
the face so chubby and cute the hand is like so small only lor
little cute baby boy birth on the 30/4/08
end of the month ... quite good what got what not happy in that month the birthday can clean the sadness ...
yesterday go buy the comic #2,#3,#4 and #5
cause i read the #1 then is like damn nice then go buy
happy for that but its my own money la sian going to broke le la ...
only left a bit money only lor cause of that comic arrr...
then chryl today is like very der what la last time i always go play de neopets then she say what i very childish then today she still go play say what very fun diao

love you because of who you are ...
you deserve to be love
niao niao
yong sheng bird bird
and to a person who has always been in my heart
sorry if miss out any
but i will still love you


10:12:00 PM